Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Humbled Update

I want to write, and I will. I will write a lot more, soon.

Today is different. Today, I am writing an almost painful post. It shouldn’t be painful to read. It’s just a very…humbling…blog for me to write.

Let’s start here:

Wearing an Australia hoodie
on my 1st MIA trip! :)
Way back in the fall of 2007, I signed up for a mission trip with Olivet’s Missions in Action [MIA] organization. Loved it. Definitely set the trajectory of the rest of my life. After that trip, I was blessed with the opportunity to lead an MIA trip to Los Angeles.

These two trips influenced my decision to go on the World Race. I would not be doing what I’m doing and be who I am today if it weren’t for MIA trips through Olivet.

Why am I telling you this? Well, I am super excited to share with you that I have the incredible opportunity to lead an MIA Ambassadors’ trip to Australia this summer. My team of 5 students and I will head "down under" the last part of May and spend 6 weeks sharing the love of Christ.

We aren’t quite sure what we will be doing there yet, but that will all fall into place. Right now, we’re meeting [almost] weekly, hanging out, getting to know each other, and preparing our hearts for this trip.

We are also raising funds for this trip [this is the humbling part of this blog].

Each person on the trip needs to raise just under $4,000 in order to go. In the course of the next 3 weeks, we each need $2,400 in our accounts.
If you would like to support my ministry, team and the Missions In Action program directly, you may send a check made out to ONU here:

Samantha Allen
One University Avenue, Box 6128
Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2271

You may also make your donation online at

ONU will designate these funds to the Australia MIA account under my name and mail you a receipt.

I would greatly appreciate your support as I work to lead and empower these students to do the Lord’s work in Australia this summer.

As always, prayers are GREATLY appreciated! We should never underestimate the power of prayer.

Thank you for reading this.
Thank you for supporting me.
Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for your encouragement.
I could not do this without you!

Peace and Blessings,