Wednesday, July 13, 2011

..::spaghetti, anyone?::..

Let me take you back [almost] 6 years ago.


I sat in the back row of my Senior Communications class [which may or may not have been my favorite class in High School --- but I would never want my teacher to know that]. We discussed waffle vs. spaghetti brains.

Let me tell you ... I am 100% spaghetti + proud of it. I can easily change subjects within sentences. I can also follow all of the conversations of my grandma, mom, aunts, sisters, and cousins --- who all, because they are Larimores, are 100% spaghetti as well.

So... with my spaghetti brain overloading today, I decided to let you in on my current thoughts.

In 17 days I will step foot in America.

In 17 days I will say goodbye to the people who have become my friends/family over the past 11 months.

In 18 days, I will be greeted at O’Hare by my DAD! I cannot wait to run into his arms. [I'm hoping to get a reaction like this one...minus the fact that I'm not that little].

In 18 days, I will see my family.

In 19 days, I will move into my apartment and begin work.

In 19 days, I will not see any member of The Q.

In 19-20ish days, I will have a cell phone. Eek! At least it will be good to receive sick-texts from Amber, call Jenny when I feel the need to beat-box & want a rapper, and hear the voices of The Q when needed.

I will not wake up with at least 4-5 other people in the same room.

Getting ice cream on a daily basis might not be super acceptable.

I will hear American English everyday. + it won't be the same 4 voices all the time...

After a year of only hearing my full name, "Samantha," I'm not sure how well I will adjust to people at home calling me "Sammy" or "Sam." I definitely prefer Samantha...

In-person concrete slabs will be very rare.

I do not have any clothes at home. I may or may not have donated all of them before I left on the trip…

I really want a puppy.

I think I want to “pay it forward” with The World Race. I’m thinking about financially supporting a racer, adopting a squad [reading their blogs, praying for them, cheering them on, etc.], or becoming a professional blog commenter [I know how much racers love to receive blog comments].

I cannot wait to see my plant, Oscar, & find out just how much he's grown since I've been gone...

God is so faithful. He is so good.

I cried today --- I laugh now thinking how stupid of a statement that is. Crying is not an unusual occurrence for me.

Why did I cry?

The end of the Race hit me. It’s really coming. It’s really near.

That might have been a lie. Well, not completely. It did really hit me. and I did cry.


The tears came through the realization of how intricate this plan is that God created just for ME.

I received an email from my boss. He said the same thing I have been thinking for a while now… “It’s hard to believe in just a few short weeks you’ll be the Resident Director for McClain.”

When did that happen? When did I become an RD and not just an RA?

God’s hand is definitely ALL over this one. The way that the World Race was the perfect timing for me to go explore the world & fall in love with my Savior before going back to ONU, the way the internet at the Ugandan café came on at the exact moment I needed to call in for my skype interview, the way that I am returning to America just in time to move in and begin work….and the list goes on.

I am way too blessed. God is good. I have seen His goodness all over the world. + He’s not done with me yet.

Ahh. I’m excited about life right now!

... there you have it. my stream of consciousness. my current thoughts. ahhhh!

oh. & my spaghetti brain just decided that you should probably see a picture of the person I miss the most right about now... my little man, my brother, Nicky B.

Peace & Blessings,

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