Monday, November 21, 2011

My kind of beautiful.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I've already been blessed by 3 Thanksgiving dinners + the actual "day" isn't until Thursday!

I have this thing. This thing that sometimes people don't believe or don't understand - which is super okay. I don't like nature. I mean, I'll go camping or hiking or play football outside, but nature ... just not my thing.

People are my thing.

You know how some people experience God in nature? I think that’s cool. If you are one of those people, props to you. If you and I saw the most beautiful sunrise in the history of time while sitting on a cliff on the most gorgeous mountain in the world overlooking the most majestic ocean, we would have very different reactions. You would be in awe of the creation. I would say, “That’s cool,” and watch you.


Well… I “see God” in people. I get my fill from people. As awesome as creation such as sunrises and mountains and oceans are, I prefer creation such as people.

When I see a child, I thank God for this beauty. When I see an elderly woman, my heart races and I praise God for His creation. When I look at you, I see God’s fingerprints everywhere. Ahh. That’s where I get my fill. Definitely. Especially when Papa gives me a group of people gathered together. Wow. Cue the tears.

I had one of those teary-eyed "My God is so beautiful" moments last night. As I sat at the end of a long table in the McClain lobby, I was surrounded by RAs. The Nesbitt guys + Shelbi - along with Lincoln + Kristen - came over to McClain for a Thanksgiving dinner. My RAs were there. Everyone brought something for the meal - we had waaaaaay too much food. It was beautiful.

Pumpkins + tea lights decorated the center of the table. Conversations were everywhere. As I looked up from taking a bite of [delicious] pumpkin pie, I saw God. I saw His beauty. I saw His creativity.

The world was right. 
Everything about that moment was good. 
Papa reminded me that HE is good. 
HE loves me so very much. 

My beautiful RAs with Lincoln +  James in the back :)
HE has placed these amazing young men + women in my life for this season. 
I am beyond thankful for them.
I am beyond thankful for the honor of serving alongside of these individuals to do Kingdom work.
I am beyond humbled knowing that Papa loves me so much that HE gave me His favorites to do life with.

This morning as the RD team gathered together for our weekly meeting, we threw the agenda out the window. This morning was a time of thanksgiving. We went around the table and expressed our thankfulness to Papa for His provision, His faithfulness, and His blessings. We are a blessed people. Do we deserve what He gives us? Nope. Does He still do it anyway? Yep.

He's such a good Dad.

Oh. + I made these awesome brownie teepees I found on Pinterest. :)

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